Opening a File in a New Window


Smart Pix Manager allows you to launch your current file into a new window by selecting View>Open in new window button or pressing 'Ctrl+N'.  By using new windows you can have multiple files displayed at once and do not need to reload a file if you return to it later.


You can also drag files from the main window and drop them on a secondary window for display.


New file windows support most viewing functions of the main window except stretch to fit.  They do not support file management functions such as move, delete, etc.



New Window Toolbar


 Previous Window:  Will display the previously viewed file window


 Next Window: Will display the next file window


 Main Window:  Will display the Main Smart Pix Manager Window


 Drag Image:  Allows you to scroll an image by clicking it and dragging


 Zoom Selection:  Allows you to zoom into an area of your image by selecting it


 Zoom in


 Zoom out


 Word Wrap:  Limits the width of the text to the size of your text window so that you can view it without scrolling horizontally


 File Information:  Displays information about the file such as file size, color depth and dimensions.  It also displays and allows you to change the keywords and description for the file if it is referenced by the database.


 Print File: Prints the file to your printer, automatically selecting an orientation (portrait or landscape) to obtain the largest picture.


 Add File to Favorites:  Adds the displayed file to the current Favorites list.


 Add all to Favorites:  Adds the filenames of all open file windows to the Favorites list


 Save Settings:  Saves the current settings for Simple Window, Stretch to Fit and Window size as the default for new windows


 Help:  Displays the New Window Help page


 Close: Closes this file window


 Close All:  Closes all file windows except the main Smart Pix Manager window



If a multimedia file is loaded you will also see the multimedia toolbar.



Saving your preferred settings


You can save your default settings for window size, 'Shrink to Fit' and Simple Window by right-clicking the file and selecting, 'Save current settings as default'.  All new windows will use these settings.  However if you have selected 'Resize new image windows to fit image' under Options then your window size settings will be ignored.



Keyboard Shortcuts for manipulating File windows


Ctrl+W or F6

Toggles through all open file windows (including the main window)

Up/Down Cursor

Toggles through all open file windows (excluding the main window)


Switches to the main Smart Pix Manager window


Close secondary window


Close all file windows (except the main one)






